Who Are We?
The First Baptist Church of Marshville is a bible-believing, bible preaching church that seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ in all we do. We believe the church is a called out assembly of believers who have voluntarily gathered themselves together to carry out the Great Commission. Our church is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention and is part of the Union Baptist Association. We hold to the Baptist Faith & Message as our doctrinal statement. The goal of our church for everyone who attends is for them to…
1. Know Christ: God’s Word teaches that all are sinners in need of Salvation. We believe that Christ died for the sins of the entire world on the cross of Calvary and with his death, burial and resurrection purchased our redemption. It is our hears desire that everyone who attends our church would accept Jesus Christ into their heart as their personal Savior.
2. Grow in Christ: Salvation is not an end, it’s a beginning. Once an individual accepts Christ as Savior they begin the life long journey of spiritual maturity. We seek to provide resources and opportunities to help people of all ages and stages of life grow in their faith.
3. Serve Christ: Every member should be a minister. God has blessed every person with gifts that are to be used for his glory and the furtherance of the Kingdom of God. We strive to find opportunities for everyone to serve the Lord in our church.
4. Show Christ: The last commandment Christ gave to his disciples before he ascended into Heaven was to go with the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth. We believe that every Christian should be involved in reaching others for Christ. Members are encouraged to be faithful witnesses throughout their daily life to all they come in contact with.
What To Expect?
Sunday mornings begin with Coffee and Fellowship at our church café at 9:00am. At 9:30am our Life Groups assemble in classrooms all across our facility. Our main worship service begins at 10:30am.
When you arrive at our Church Campus you can expect to be treated like family. When you arrive you will be greeted by our friendly greeters and they’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have. As we begin the worship service you’ll be blessed by an array of soul stirring hymns, worship songs, choir specials and other special music. Our pastor will then bring a Christ-centered message that will challenge and stir your heart about serving Christ. We encourage you to bring a Bible to follow along with our Pastor as he preaches and shares the Word. (Feel free to watch our services via livestream on Sunday’s at 10:30am prior to visiting us in person)
What To Wear?
We don’t have a dress code at First Baptist. Our congregation has an assortment of jeans and t-shirts all the way to suits and ties. We encourage people to give their best to the Lord, but we believe God’s a lot more interested in your heart than your attire.
What About My Children?
We offer a church Nursery for all children 2 and under for all our worship services. All of our nursery workers must pass a background check and the majority of our children’s workers have taken child’s CPR training. Upon leaving your child in the nursery you’ll receive a small notification buzzer to take with you in the service. If you are needed for any reason our nursery workers will contact you with the buzzer so you can quickly and quietly slip out to check on your child.
Children 2yrs.- 5th Grade begin in the Sanctuary and then are encouraged to attend Children’s Church at the conclusion of our congregational worship songs. We want children to experience being in the main worship service, but also realize that they would benefit more for a lesson on their level. We are blessed to have an amazing children’s church ministry and our children cannot wait to be dismissed each Sunday.
Hopefully this helps you know a learn a little more about us. If you still have questions please feel free to contact our church office or send our secretary an email at secretary@fbcmarshville.org. God is truly doing some amazing things at our church and we sincerely hope you’ll make plans to visit us soon!