Make Sure your Kids are part of the Kingdom of God!
Join us this Sunday at 10:30am & Wednesday’s at 6:30pm!
Kingdom Kids is not only the name but the theme of our Children’s Ministry here at First Baptist of Marshville. We believe that it is vital for children to grow up in an environment that emphasizes the love of Christ and the truth of God’s Word. We want all the children of our church to be part of the Kingdom of Christ, and that’s what we labor to do through all of our Kingdom Kid ministry. As a church we believe it is our role to labor alongside parents and help them lay a biblical foundation in the hearts of their children. Our children’s ministry is more than “child-care”! We labor that your children may know Christ and fulfill HIS plan for their life!
What to Expect
When you arrive on our church campus you’ll be greeted at the door with a smile and a handshake. We ask that all children Elementary and under who plan to participate in Children’s Church or Nursery be Checked in at our Check-in Stations. Theses stations are located just outside of the entrance to our Sanctuary and are easy to locate. When your child is checked in you’ll receive 2 labels, one for your child and one for you as a parent. This helps us ensure that your child’s safety while they’re away from you until you pick them up. After checking in we invite you to join us as a family in the sanctuary at 10:30am. We believe it’s important for children to be part of our main worship service. After our opening songs and greeting from our Pastor, we dismiss all of our kids to “Kingdom Kids Children’s Church”. Don’t worry about missing the time to dismiss, we play a special song for the kids when it’s time to dismiss.
Our Kingdom Kids ministry is currently broken down into 4 separate classes. We have a 2 year old class, a Preschool Class, K-1 Class and an Elementary Class. Each classroom has 2 adult workers in it at each time, and our security team is always on duty in the foyer and patrolling the hallways. In case your child would have an issue, we assign each family a 3 digit number. If our workers need to reach you for any reason, your number will appear on one of our two number display boxes located on either side of the platform in the sanctuary. After service is concluded, all parents are dismissed to pick up their children at the classroom.
We have seen multiple children come to Christ through this ministry and we are grateful for the work God is doing. We encourage all our kids to bring a bible and change for their offering. Visiting parents are always welcome to walk their children to Children’s church to drop them off. We love children and can’t wait to minister to you and your family.
*Every Wednesday Evening we also offer children’s programs for children of all ages. Those ministries start at 6:30pm on Wednesdays.

Anne-Marie Wilson, Kingdom Kids Director
If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding our Kingdom Kids ministry please reach out to our Kingdom Kids Director, Mrs. Anne-Marie Wilson.

Child Safety
Child Safety is VERY important to us and that is why every worker in our Nursery and Children’s Ministry must receive a background check prior to working in any children’s ministry. In addition our church security team patrols the facility during the services to make sure that we provide the safest environment possible for you and your children.