1636 Old Hwy 74 Marshville, NC 28103 * 704-624-2710
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6
All Classes will meet from 9:00am – 1:00pm 



3 & 4 year old   

All age classes will have school 4 days per week (Monday-Thursday). 


There will be No School on Fridays!   

The following tuition rates are for the 2024-2025 School Year

              Tuition is listed are per month and per student! 


 Monday-Thursday Tuition

3 year old class $230 

4 year old class $240 

Annual Registration Fee $125 

($10 Registration discount for siblings)

10% monthly Tuition discount for church members



– provide education and growth that emphasizes cognitive, emotional and spiritual growth in young children


-build strong communication with families and staff. We will be using an app to help us effectively communicate and see your child’s learning experience.  


– have engaging experiences for children by exploring the world around them.  This will include in house experiences and field trips outside the school.  


-have intentional chapel time (Big Church).  Kids will learn bible concepts, bible stories, monthly bible verses and worship songs.  They will be able to engage and participate in chapel activities preparing them for outside real world experience of being in Church.  


-make each day fun and engaging through hands on learning.  Learning happens through play, creativity, structure, and fundamental age appropriate academic concepts of literacy and math, such as counting, coloring, and letter recognition and developing large and fine motor skills. 


-use current Developmentally appropriate practices. 


– teachers and staff will be required and encouraged to educate themselves on Early childhood education


-parent and family involvement will be encouraged through various events throughout the year.  (Grandparents day, joining us for special chapel days, Christmas program, Graduation ceremony, Pumpkin Palooza, Easter Eggstravagnza, parent volunteer opportunities) 


-create a place where children feel safe, loved and nurtured. Keep learning fun!!!! 


If you have additional questions please contact the church office at 704-624-2710 or email our preschool secretary at: secretary@fbcmarshville.org.    
Click on the link above to view our 2023-2024 Preschool Handbook