Want to Serve the Lord?
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“The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his harvest” Luke 10:2

If you love babies and small toddlers then you’re going to love serving in the nursery. We offer nursery during life groups, Sunday worship and Midweek services, so there are plenty of opportunities to serve. All nursery workers are required to have a background check. Barbie Medlin is the nursery director and she’d love to have you join the team in the nursery.

Our Kingdom Kids ministry includes children 2yrs Old – 5th Grade. It is one of the most rewarding and fruitful ministries of our church. We currently have 4 classes (2yr Class, Preschool Class, K-1 and 2nd-5th Grade). Our kids ministry is over 75 kids strong and growing, so we need your help! There are opportunities to serve as a Lead Teacher or Assistant teacher in the varying age classes. Anne-Marie Wilson is our Kingdom Kids director and she would love to join her team.

The 4:12 Student Ministries focuses on our Middle and High School Students. Daniel and Michelle Hill are our youth leaders and they are passionate about working with teens. Our goal is to help lay a biblical foundation in the hearts of our youth so that they may have a biblical defense of their faith. If you love working with teenagers then we’d love for you to volunteer to serve in 4:12 Student Ministries.

Life groups are the life blood of our church. It’s is the place where you find relationships and a community of believers. Each of our Life Groups is designed with a specific demographic in mind. If you enjoy organizing and leading a group of people then volunteer to lead in a Life Group. We are always looking to start more Life Groups to provide more opportunities for teachers and assistants.

We believe everyone who attends our church is special, and we labor to make each person feel welcomed by the love of Christ. If you’re an outgoing person who likes to meet new people and help them get where they need to be, then join our Guest Services team. There are opportunities to serve as a door greeter, usher, children’s check-in assistant and more. You only get one chance to make a first impression, and serving on our Guest Services team helps us make the right impression.

Keeping our congregation safe is of utmost importance to our pastor and church leaders. We have a dedicated team of laymen and law enforcement officers who are on duty during each service to ensure that we can worship the Lord without fear. Matt Horne and Officer Joseph Whitley are the head of our Security team and they would be happy to talk to you about helping with security.

If you like to sing or play an instrument then there is a place for you in our music ministry. We believe the time we worship the Lord through songs prepares our heart to receive the message from our pastor. We are always looking to add more instruments and singers to our team. If you’re interested in serving on our music team then be sure to sign up above.

Throughout the year our church has many special events (Fall Festival, End of School Celebration, Easter Craft Night, VBS, Kids Movie Nights, Women’s Bible Studies, etc.). Each of these events requires a significant amount of set up, preparation and clean up. If you’d be willing to help set up and/or clean up tables and chairs for special events then we’d love to enlist your help. Once you let us know that you’re willing to help we’ll notify our different event coordinators and ask them to reach out for your assistance.

Every time we meet for a worship service we share it around the globe through our media ministry. If you enjoy working with audio visual equipment then you’ll fit right in with our media team. There are opportunities to operate the sound board or run the camera’s for livestream. Mr. Tim Huggins is our current media team leader and he would be happy to talk with you about serving on their team.